why crypto nedded the crash by @wahabatal

wahabatal - 2025-02-27 12:50:24

hello every one hope you all are doing well. so today is my topic is why crypto needed the crash

so you all know crypto market is stand at this time at very bad condition. and alot of new people who come to crypto all oh his portfolio is down more the 70 to 80%.

lets talk about that

look brother crypto generaly once in a time was an investor driven space considerd. where yu enterd early projects and then you wiil be rewarded for being a holder. but at this time crypto space is became a weired space of casino and espacialy the tplatforms come on solana of pump and fun makes the people adactive of cheap gambling. if you add on this that the world biggest political figure(donal trump) president of united state of america have thrown his meme coin full in extractive event and pull the money of the people of whole world. so alwaysly its sett in people mind is precedent crypto is gambling for this reason in this cycle more people like newbies who goesbefore in alts coin but all of them now come in memes coin (cheap gambling) and take all his money in solana chain took some L shot and drowing all his money and now most of them are broke and exhausted. i think this hard reset is need of crypto market to convince people that chain like solana is people ding this cheap gambling that there is no profit of any one in this gambling if you want to grow crypto market specialy alts coin so people need to adopt alts thanks for reading. your vote will be my encouraging.