Life Changing Money

builderofcastles - 2025-03-06 11:16:36

This is a really weird concept. But one that is really, really important in today's age and in the bankster's monetary system.

It really doesn't matter how hard you work, or how much money you make. If you do not get over a certain threshold, it is really quite meaningless.

Like, when a teenager wants to become a part of the driving class, a few hundred dollars will not do, if a used car is $2000+. The young one who wants to drive (and not getting subsidized by parents) has to make and save over $2000 AND make enough each month to cover insurance, fuel and maintenance. This is not an easy task on minimum wage. You have to get over this minimum amount before you become part of the vehicular mobile group. Anything below this amount, and you are stuck asking others for rides.

There are several steps in our life/society, where you are either above them, and enjoy the rewards, or you are below them, often forever stuck.

Levels of money

I would say levels of wealth, but that doesn't really seem to work out in our bankster world.

Basically, the banksters have set up a world where you have to pay to exist. Rent, insurance, taxes, more taxes. Everything is rented. And you need to pay the upkeep amount each month, or you fall to the next lower level.

Each one of these is a step up in rent.

(There are so very few people who pay cash for a car, or a house. It is all mortgaged, leased, rented. So, that group is left out of this list)

  • Living on a SuperYacht

  • Living in a Mansion

  • Living in a McMansion

  • Living in a house

  • Living in an Apartment

  • Living in a Van - All of your stuff is in a van.

  • Homeless - All your stuff is in a shopping cart

Your real metric of your wealth is how many months can you continue living the way you do if you stop earning money?

Each level is a giant step up in rent.

The people who live on a SuperYacht pull into port, and put more diesel into their boat, than most people get paid in a year. Even if someone gave you the yacht, you couldn't afford to keep the thing.

Similarly, the new-homeless, cannot even imagine paying the rent for an apartment. (the old-homeless are mostly on the street because they lack the mentality to show up at a job each day, or other problems)

The person renting an apartment finds it very difficult to make the move to house owning (paying rent to the mortgage holder), and this is the line that the most people cross. Hopefully upward, but often downward. The difference in rent is almost 2x (a reason why so many people can cross it. Many steps are 10x)

The thing is, can you afford 2x as much rent each month? Can you afford 10x as much rent?

Really, think about that. Your pay goes up fairly linearly (until ultra-high levels). How do you get into a job that is going to pay you 2x what you needed for the last level? And how would you even contemplate saving enough money to cover the 2x.

Life Changing Wealth

Life changing wealth is something so large, that it takes years of risky investments to create. You can do it, but it takes longer than most people can stay the course. (it's less that 5% of The US population that can retire comfortably)

For a young teenager, buying an entire car seems like god tier money. For a middle aged worker, buying an entire house is like god tier money. These levels are what Life Changing Wealth looks like. And, it is what you need to strive for if you really want to change your life. No wonder most people do not really try for financial success. It seems like an insurmountable wall.

The banksters have designed a horrifying system. One that gets people to give up their thoughts of getting to the next level, plus one that keeps people complacent in the level that they are at.

However, this said, many people have worked out how to invest, and have worked out how to make every dollar work for them. And thus, the compounding of their effort, over time, put them at a much higher level. And, not just there based on them continuing to work, but because their passive income now covers their monthly rent.

The months they can stay at their current level is infinite.

Today is like no other. If you are into crypto, you will probably experience 'life changing wealth' even if you started with crypto you got off a faucet.

Further, we will see real ownership come back into reality in the next 10 - 20 years. Property taxes will be one of those that people will just refuse to pay, and won't allow into their small communities.

So, we have coming soon, real money (the realest we have had in centuries) and real property.

And when you get that life changing wealth, you can put it into actual wealth that will support you and your life.

Imagine, no more house payment, no more property tax, no more electric bill, no more water bill.

You will not need much more than food to sustain your life.

Think about life starting from that level. If you want something, you can find some way to trade a person that can provide that to you. And, you only have to work that long, to provide your side of that trade.

You are no longer stuck in a world where you are constantly renting your life.

Work on these types of thoughts. Plan for what you intend to do with your crypto wealth.

All images in this post are my own original creations.