Contest alert//Crypto phishing schemes

safdarali - 2024-07-19 05:02:54

Assalam O Alaikum!

Peace be upon to you friends! Myself Alhamdullah fine and doing good and I hope this post bring my friends well. I will discuss about crypto trading in this post. We can make money with crypto trading. I invite to all my steemit friends from core of my heart of this community for read my post.  The thanks is paid to dear brother @khursheedanwar by me for this contest which title is

***Contest alert//Crypto phishing schemes//***

How to protect yourself from crypto phishing schemes?

> We can protect ourselves from crypto pishing by these simple tips.

- We can protect ourselves by being skeptical of unsolicited communications like email and massages. It means we have to avoid clicking from unknown massages.
- We should use verify URLs and websites for avoiding crypto pishing. Make sure url is correct and not harmful for our account.
- Use of Two-Factor Authentication is necessary for it. So we should enable 2FA on all our crypto accounts for extra security.


- Our software should be updated and should check regular updates.
- Educate ourseld is compulsory for this purpose and we have to stay informed about it.
- For this we always use good reputable security software.
- We have to very cautious  when we are using public Wi-Fi, at this time don't use our crypto accounts.
- If we receive a message from someone claiming to be from a crypto service, then contact the service directly using official contact details to verify that account, Inshallah it will be very beneficial for us.


- Avoid to sharing personal information, like ID card, password and personal keys for this purpose.
- Use hardware wallets as possible, store your cryptocurrencies in hardware wallets instead of online exchanges.

By following above l steps, we can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to crypto phishing schemes and can keep our digital assets safe.

Have to get victim of any crypto phishing scheme?

I have never get victim of any phishing scheme, if I get in future, I will follow these points.

1. First of all I will stay calm and act quickly, I will not be panic. In this way I will be able to make a good decision.
2. Second thing, I will disconnect the Internet and stop to unauthorized access.
3. After that I shall change passwords quickly, so I can prevent unwanted access.


4. Enhanced security is my priority by enabling two factor authentication. This is my additional layer of security.
5. The I Report to authorities of this phishing attack, so that I can get help.
6. I will Monitor my account by watching unusual activities. It allow me to fast report of suspicious activity.
7. I will inform to others that are in my contacts about this Phishing attack.
8. Then I use security software for scanning malware.


9. I shall seek professional help and consult with expert. On this way I get proper guidance about it.
10. I will educate myself for the Future and learn from experience. It will increase my knowledge and reduce  risk of falling victim again.

By taking these steps, I can save myself from crypto phishing scheme and strengthen my defenses against future attacks.

Remember me in your prayer

I invite to my dear steemit friend
for taking part in this contest.

| Thanks! for being with me|


Special thanks



Best Regards
