Today waiting for the Halving

gustavomory2 - 2024-04-19 20:17:39


I want to send greetings to all the members of this Project Hope community, again as always talking about topics related to Crypto Assets. I know very well that many are waiting for Bitcoin Halving, but let's first understand what it consists of:

1-Every 210,000 blocks mined within the Bitcoin mining network are halved once this amount is reached, the objective is to make mining more difficult in order to guarantee that there is only a maximum of 21 million Bitcoin in circulation Until now (April 2024) we have had three Halvings, the first was in 2012, the second in 2016 and the third in 2020, the next one is expected for approximately April 20, 2024, the current rewards for the blocks It is $2.25 Bitcoin and after 2024 it is considered to reduce to 3.125 Bitcoin.

2- What impact will bitcoin have on the price?

Well, historically expectations and enthusiasm have always been generated among many investors, the scarcity that results from this instrument (Halving) that reduces the rewards per mining block leads to generating speculation markets, in the previous Halvings the result of the value in the price of Bitcoin exceeded many times, tripling and even more, the price of Bitcoin.


In the last known Halving, the price broke the ceiling of 60,000, even reaching an all-time high of $68,000 per Bitcoin.
The adoption of Bitcoin in some countries has also generated enormous interest in this cryptocurrency, leading to some countries already adopting Crypto markets legitimately, including recently Argentina and El Salvador, but some states within the United States, some countries in Europe and the United Kingdom has been generating legislation that allows the crypto asset market.


Now, I know that many wonder what price Bitcoin could have. This is a debate that generates many acrimonies and contradictions. According to the predictions of many analysts, there are some that we should review.

I know very well that the CoinCodex platform has predicted a growth of 33.36% in price, which leads us to think of more than $82,000 per Bitcoin, which according to them by the end or mid-year We could wait. Bitscreener suggests that the price of Bitcoin could be in the range of $78,000 and that a trend could possibly be set from $68,000. I must clarify that in recent weeks no one had expected the price of $62,000 so close to the Halving , for that reason all these predictions could not be so adjusted to the market. However,

The Crypto News platform has had a prediction in which they estimate it will exceed $90,000 and that the minimum range should be from $42,000. Again, as we already indicated, the price has remained at 60,000 and that breaks the majority. of the criteria and comments.

CoinGecko originally estimated that the price would reach between $80,000 and $87,000, however in their latest comments they have an expectation that they could consider it to be close to $100,000, some other financial market analysts have considered that the bet is predicted in a ceiling of $120,000 with a minimum floor of $90,000, I think it is appropriate for those who like to invest at risk, take a big risk right now by buying it at 60,000 or wait for the Halving days even the next day, which could lower the price close to 50,000 or perhaps 40,000, since that would indicate an interesting risk and which I would be considering could allow a profit of more than 100%.

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