Price Drop Confirmations are on Bitcoin Chart

chorock - 2024-07-31 18:03:00

There are lots of price drop confirmations on Bitcoin chart. I shared lots of analysis about Bitcoin price chart. When lots of investors were waiting for all time high, I was certain that Bitcoin price would go down. I shared these post to warn you for price drop. I hope you followed me.

Here you can see daily chart of Bitcoin. This is my draft I shared it a few months ago. Bitcoin price is in descending channel. Bitcoin price touched the top line of this descending channel and ready to go down!

MACD Indicator touched the resistance close to reverse. RSI Indicator broke down uptrend line. Price is close to break down uptrend line.

These are major confirmations for price drop!


Here you can see weekly chart of Bitcoin. There was uptrend line on RSI Indicator and It was broken down a few weeks ago. I shared it and warned you about this uptrend line. It would work as a resistance and I happened. Bitcoin price went down after touching this resistance in weekly chart!

This is my favourite price drop confirmation! Bitcoin needs lots of weeks to enter new pattern. We will see what will happen.


New pattern may take more than a year. There is no signal of new pattern. MACD Indicator of weekly chart is going down. We need a few weeks for MACD confirmation.

We will see…