Hive/BTC Pair is Close to the Bottom

chorock - 2024-07-30 22:29:06

Hive/BTC pair is at the bottom. We have not seen all time low in this year. There is big W pattern on Hive/BTC pair. It will be double bottom pattern for long-term. It is great pattern as bullish. We may not see Hive/BTC pair in this level again.

Here you can see weekly chart of Hive/BTC pair. 0.00000289 is the lowest level for this chart. Hive/BTC pair is at above 10% from the bottom.

There is also great downtrend line on this chart and we need a few week to see breaking up.


When we look at the indicators of this chart, we can see when it will break up. There is also great downtrend line on RSI Indicator. It will break up until end of September! MACD Indicator is also at good level to reverse. So, we will see the beginning of altcoin season at the end of this year!

I am waiting for good performance for Hive in this bullish season. Most of market makers and big investors are seeing this chart. W pattern is great signal of bottom. They will pick up Hive at this level.


I am getting bullish when I see this chart. Even there is no hype on crypto market, I am getting bullish when I look this chart.

I hope W pattern will work. We will see..