Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of Cardano, has responded to criticism that the cryptocurrency is "dead"

thauerbyi - 2024-07-05 16:00:39

Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of Cardano, has responded to criticism that the cryptocurrency is "dead" and has been experiencing a decline in its value. In a recent statement, Hoskinson addressed the criticism, saying that he remembers when the purpose of cryptocurrencies was to replace institutions, not to create a scene like the movie Deliverance.

Hoskinson's statement was in response to comments made by BitBoy, a crypto influencer who claimed that Cardano and Polkadot are "dead" and will not be a viable investment for institutions. BitBoy later clarified his statement, saying that while the projects may still experience price pumps, their returns will be mediocre.

The criticism of Cardano has been ongoing, with some arguing that the project's development activity has been slow and that the network is not as active as it once was. However, Hoskinson and the Cardano team have been working to address these concerns, and the network has recently demonstrated its resilience by withstanding a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

Despite the challenges facing Cardano, Hoskinson remains optimistic about the project's future. In his statement, he emphasized the importance of staying focused on the long-term goals of the project and not getting distracted by short-term market fluctuations.

The debate surrounding Cardano's viability is likely to continue, but Hoskinson's response serves as a reminder that the project is still alive and kicking, and that its development team is committed to its success.

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