Steam demos now behave and appear better on the Steam Store and library

sk915 - 2024-07-29 01:12:27

Steam has rolled out significant updates to how game demos appear and function on the platform, making them more accessible and visible to users. Here are the key improvements:

Dedicated Demo Store Pages

Demos can now have their own distinct store pages, separate from the main game's page. This allows developers to showcase demo-specific elements like trailers, screenshots, and features. These pages also include options to install the demo, access the main game's store page, and submit reviews specifically for the demo.

Improved Visibility in the Steam Store

Demos will now be featured more prominently on various lists and category pages, including the 'New & Trending' section of Steam's homepage. They will also appear alongside free games, ensuring better visibility compared to before.

Wishlist Notifications

Users who have games on their wishlists or follow certain developers will now receive notifications via email or mobile alerts when a demo for those titles becomes available.

Easier Library Management

Users can now add demos to their Steam libraries without immediately installing them. Demos can also be installed even if the user already owns the full game. Removing demos has also been simplified by right-clicking and uninstalling, after which they will be automatically removed from the user's library.

These updates aim to enhance the accessibility and discoverability of game demos on Steam, benefiting both developers and players. Demos will now behave more like standalone games, with dedicated pages, reviews, and improved visibility in the store.