[Comment] EF(Ethereum Foundation)

seraphim502 - 2025-01-22 03:33:42

Ethereum vs Solana

이더리움 재단과 Vitalik의 리더십에 약간의 생채기가 가해지고 있는 상황인 것 같습니다.

'시간이 모든 걸 말해준다' ('Time tells everything')가 아닌 'Price tells everything'이 되고 있는 형국입니다.

하지만 여전히 역사적 Price Record는 Ethereum의 우세를 보여주고 있네요.

Decentralized World Computer에 대한 그의 이상향이 다시 한번 순항할 수 있기를 기원해 봅니다.~

Crypto 생태계도 어느 임계점을 넘어가면 단순한 Price에 대한 열망을 넘어서 새로운 Mutual Benefit을 향한 공동의 목표를 설정하게 될 것으로 생각됩니다. by Joseph Lubin

One of @VitalikButerin's greatest traits is his approach to decision making. When an issue arises, he listens and gathers information, weighs it all and makes a decision when he believes that he has weighed most of the necessary data. Best path forward is to realize that he has heard all of us and things are in motion.

Threats of harm or attempts at coersion are deeply distrubing and will be counterproductive.

There are multiple threads in process in the EF, the EEA and Consensys that will reformat how Ethereum "goes-to-market" in the near term.

And based on what I am seeing there will be so many high value initiatives that become public soonish, that your heads will spin. Best to keep them on your shoulders and not lose them before a surge begins.

The leader is Vitalik. The ticker is ETH. by Vitalik

No. This is not how this game works.

The person deciding the new EF leadership team is me. One of the goals of the ongoing reform is to give the EF a "proper board", but until that happens it's me.

If you "keep the pressure on", then you are creating an environment that is actively toxic to top talent. Some of Ethereum's best devs have been messaging me recently, expressing their disgust with the social media environment that people like you are creating. YOU ARE MAKING MY JOB HARDER.

And you are decreasing the chance I have any interest whatsoever in doing "what you want".
