Learn About D-app And It's Importance ||

samin1 - 2024-04-02 17:57:39

Assalamu Alaikum

How is everyone? I hope you are well. I am also doing well, Alhamdulillah. In today's post, I will talk about DApps. It can be something new for us or something old. However, we generally use applications that are centralized, meaning they are owned by someone. One authority controls these apps. We commonly use such apps, like Facebook and YouTube, which are controlled by central authorities. But what if there is no control by anyone? The topic can be interesting.



Currently, there are many apps that have become very popular and do not have ownership. Take Steemit, for example; it is a decentralized social media platform. Now, the question is, how do these apps operate without any control? The answer lies mainly in using blockchain technology. When you create an app of this kind and use blockchain technology, most of your work is almost complete. Blockchain will take care of the rest.



So, a question may arise: How will you update it if any updates are needed? You know updating an app is very crucial. You can do it if you want. That means, if it is decentralized, some control will be within your reach. However, I believe a decentralized app is much safer compared to a centralized app.


Especially in the case of wallets like Olet, if you use a decentralized wallet, you will be much more secure; there is no doubt about it. For this, many of us use Trust Wallet. The possibility of scamming is almost 0%. I hope you can understand this point. Currently, this type of theory is being used not only in cryptocurrencies but also in many other fields, and many people are benefiting from it. I hope you found the post interesting. Thanks for reading the post.