What is Blockchain Technology?

sadek1 - 2024-04-09 10:38:42

Assalamu Alaikum

How are you all? Today I will discuss with you about What is Blockchain Technology?.I will try to present my experience.  I am young and have very little experience so please excuse any mistakes.
A blockchain is a digital database of transactions maintained by a network of computer servers, who can easily verify and agree on the contents of the database in a way that makes it harder and harder for anyone to hack or change it.
Each of its users, known as a node, stores a copy of the blockchain database.
The technology was developed to allow two parties a secure way to deal directly with each other without the need for a third party in the middle. You'll also hear that blockchains are known as distributed ledgers.
Blockchain technology
A blockchain is simply a database of transactions, often called a distributed ledger, that is duplicated and broadcast to a network of users, who can all verify and agree on the database.Blockchain technology supports trustless cryptocurrency networks because records become very difficult to alter once they are added to the blockchain.


Blockchains can also be used for any type of decentralized record keeping purpose.
What are the uses of blockchain?
Blockchain is currently mainly used in cryptocurrency networks. This technology became popular with the advent of Bitcoin, but uses all cryptocurrencies to ensure security and transparency. Other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, have modified their blockchain networks by adding features such as smart contracts and decentralized applications.
Blockchain in Cryptocurrency


In certain cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain technology relies on nodes to find the correct answer to a complex computation in order to obtain 'validation' or the right to add a block to the blockchain. This process is called "proof of work".
Wallet and keys
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, an important difference is that the digital asset is never actually held by the owner but instead resides on the blockchain. Proof of cryptocurrency ownership is in the form of your private key, which is generated when you create your account. Your private key is stored in a digital cryptocurrency wallet, which also contains a public key, which is a string of numbers and letters. It's an address that will appear in the blockchain as your transactions occur — there's no visible record of who transacted what with whom, just a wallet number.Today's discussion ends here.  I hope you find it interesting and able to understand.  Share your thoughts on today's topic.  Wishes and blessings to all.  Everyone stay well stay healthy stay with Steemit
