Boost Your ETH Returns with 10% APR

omegacarlos - 2024-08-06 21:31:30

Staking ETH can really boost your returns, and here’s a chance to do just that with a 10% APR offer from August 1 to August 18. By using the Bitget platform, you can get more out of your ETH.

To get started, download the Bitget App, deposit or trade at least 50 USDT, and keep it in your account for 24 hours to earn an extra 5-20 BGB. Your Fixed Savings will automatically roll over to Flexible Savings, so you keep earning interest without any gaps.

This offer is open to South Asian users, with a 7-day term and a limit of 2 ETH. Interest starts from 4:00 PM UTC on the day you subscribe, and you can redeem your funds anytime with the Redeem button. For more details, check out the Beginner’s Guide to Bitget Flexible Savings.


Ready to make the most of your ETH?