Save your Crypto from Scammers

okalok - 2024-07-28 12:34:39

The crypto market is growing and this is good because many good things are happening in this market. After ETF its expected that the market is going to be even bigger. It is expected that after etf a lot of money inflow is going to happen in the market which means the overall market cap will grow which will result in the price appreciation for crypto coins. For example, if we talk about Bitcoin then it is expected that it will cross 100K by this year's end and probably it will make 150K in the Bullrun cycle which is not far away.



While this market is going the scammers are also growing because they are trying all the ways possible to cheat people and get their crypto holdings. They are trying different ways to scam us and we need to keep our crypto holding safe and secure. Some of the ways that we can follow to ensure more safety for our crypto holdings-

  • Never Click on any link unless you are very sure about it because this can be a fishing attempt by the scammer to steal the information.

  • Try not to share your wallet address in public because you never know how this is going to be used and its better not to reveal the information in the public domain.

  • Never connect the wallet on any protocol unless you are well aware of it because giving the authority to the wallet which is fishy can lead to loss of Crypto.

  • No exchange its safe so its better to maintain the self custody of your crypto because this way nobody can access your crypto unless the key is shared with them.

  • Last but not least it will be recommended to go for the hardware wallet because this is one of the safest ways to store crypto and till now we have not seen any event where Crypto is stolen from any hardware wallet. But please note that make sure to keep your key safe because the loss of the key means you have no access to your crypto and it is also a loss.

These are some of the ways that we can follow to ensure additional safety to our crypto holding and crypto means money in digital form. Why should we lose it just because somebody is trying to trap us it is time when we need to be careful and more vigilant when somebody is trying to cheat us better not to share anything with any person unless you know the purpose and you are sure that you are doing it right.

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