Crypto is here to Stay!

okalok - 2023-12-19 18:36:30

The cryptocurrency market has existed for almost a decade and the last five years have been game changer. We are about to end this year 2023 and it's been two years of a bearish market but is still the crypto enthusiasts are still excited for the upcoming bull cycle. Before the last bull run market we had a bull cycle in 2017 however, it was not for a long time. The last bull cycle was pretty good and stayed for about a year. During this time we have seen how things have evolved in the crypto market.

This market is still not matured and there are a lot of things that will grow over time. Its market is also not regulated hence the room for regulation and some guidelines is open and many countries are working on this area. This year 2023 has been more on the regulation side and we have also seen how things are turning up in this direction. There is a lot that is getting built up in this market and this is why I believe that the future is going to be exciting with cryptocurrencies and blockchain.



We are expecting mass adoption in the Crypto market and as of now, we are not even close to it because the majority of people in the world are not part of it. Just imagine how things will be if even 20% of the global population joins the crypto and blockchain world. Can you imagine the demand and the price valuation if that happens let me tell you that whenever it happens is going to be a fantastic time for everyone who is already part of this growing space.

While things are getting built in this market I believe that crypto is here to stay and it is not something that is for the short term. Investing is a journey and we need to plan it accordingly for the long term. Similarly, in the crypto market, this journey should also be for the long term where we get more focused and have clear goals for the investment which is for the long term.
