Bitcoin vs Ethereum in a Nutshell

mahmudul01 - 2024-04-20 07:17:27

Assalamu Alaikum

How are you all?Today I will share with you about Bitcoin vs Ethereum in a Nutshell ! am sharing with you at the beginning because if I share at the beginning then you can realised it.I am young and have very little experience so please excuse any mistakes.

Bitcoin is decentralized digital money, which means it is not real and is not linked to or controlled by any government or organization.  Bitcoin is created by mining, which configures a computer to solve increasingly difficult equations, thereby becoming a "node" in the Bitcoin network that validates transactions.
How Bitcoin Works:
Bitcoin is a digital currency whose purpose is to
to decentralize.
The ability to transact anonymously is not tied to an individual.
transparent  All transactions can be viewed by anyone at any time.
Generally these are the three ways Bitcoin works.

What is Ethereum:
Ethereum is the name of a blockchain network, namely the Ethereum Network.  Ether, a cryptocurrency, fuels this network.  So, as much as BTC powers the Bitcoin network, the Ethereum network is powered by ETH (Ether).  This network works similar to Bitcoin, but is more advanced and considerably faster.
How Ethereum Works:
Ethereum is a blockchain based technology and each block with information is connected to each other.  It acts as an electronic ledger and maintains the state of the blockchain. The Ethereum platform supports more apps than other cryptocurrencies.
The key differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum are:
Ethereum is a blockchain technology that is beyond digital currency that can be programmable.  It's more than just paying.  It is a kind of marketplace where no one can steal your data. Both can be used as payment services but Ethereum is programmable blockchain and can be used for many digital assets.
Today's discussion ends here.  I hope you find it interesting and able to understand.  Share your thoughts on today's topic.  Wishes and blessings to all. 
