Understanding Darknodes and their Roles

lhorgic - 2024-07-09 19:55:27



Hi friends, how are you today?..welcome to this new week which of course is still very much loaded with opportunities and yes! Welcome to my blog, it's super good to be back in your faces too. I trust you got value from my last post. I bring to you another value packed content one that I believe you would find interesting as usual.

In my last post, we explored the concept "On-Chain fiat" and it importance. We would be looking at **Darknodes** just as it has been captured up there. I would take you on the journey of absolute enlightenment, just stay with me and enjoy the ride guys!


Nodes on the Blockchain network are important and significant, the Blockchain would not run efficiently without these computers in place. They have important roles they play on the network. Let me try and paint a picture of how important they are.

Let's take for instance we have a school building, so gigantic and well equipped and then there are no students,teachers or staff at different levels in the school to run it, what do you think would become of that structure called school... I bet you would even find it hard to come to terms that it's actually a school where learning is supposed to be done because it's not operational.

Nodes can be likened to the student, teachers and staffs in my above example, because they make the network operational, some nodes have special assignments on a blockchain network just like the Darknodes we would be discussing extensively in this post. Let's get into it guys.

What are DarkNodes

Darknodes are special kind of nodes on a blockchain network, saddled with special responsibility on the network which includes maintaining network security and reliability, ensuring that there is smooth running of the various activities that takes place on the Blockchain.



Ren protocol, a blockchain based network is notable for this special kind of node called the Darknodes. These nodes facilitate private and interoperable exchange of digital assets. In a nutshell, they are there primarily to ensure maximum privacy and network security this they do by concealing transaction details.

Darknodes usually run on Blockchain networks that uses the PoS consensus mechanism. PoS consensus mechanism uses validator to validated transaction and create new blocks on the chain. This is unlike the foremost PoW consensus where mining is used to generate new blocks.

On a PoS powered Blockchain, darknodes are not just validators, they perform other weightier task which includes executing smart contract, verifying the integrity and accuracy of blocks signature on the chain, storing data etc. Carrying out these function help to keep the network secure and operational.

At this point, I know you might want to ask if they are incentivized...well yeah! They are, they are compensated for this additional functions on the network. I think it's also important to mention that you don't just become a Darknode by just desiring to. You would have to fulfil certain conditions such as staking a substantial amount as collateral to take up this role.



For example on the REN network, you would have to stake 100,000 Ren before you can be qualified to function as a dark node. If for any reason you were caught in any act of infidelity on the network, your staked asset will be gone. So I can liken the staked asset to what I call a **caution staked asset** which of course would make you discharge your duty in all fairness.

**Their Roles at a quick glance.**

• They ensure network privacy and security coupled with their roles as validators on the network.

• They also ensure the network maintains it decentralized nature as this is one of the key features of a Blockchain network.

• They also help in matching orders scattered across the network. They have the computational resources to do this...thereby saving the time of buyers and sellers alike looking to trade their assets.

**Bottom Line**

I believe by now we understand what Darknodes are and their positive impact in the Blockchain space. Their primary goal is to ensure that the network is secure and enjoys maximum privacy coupled with their responsibility to validate transaction on the Blockchain network.

I trust you've gotten so much from this piece. As my usual custom is, I would always encourage that you DYOR to be sure of every financial step you would want to take as I won't be liable for any form of loss encountered by you.
Feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for your time once again. Gracias!


**Disclaimer: This post is made as an education and not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your own research and consult a financial advisor.**



