Typosquatting in crypto and blockchain space

lhorgic - 2024-06-21 18:09:45



Hello guys! Welcome back to this space once again. Trust you guys are keeping well. Am always glad each and every time I have you here. So... Let get into today' business as usual. I have no doubt that you enjoyed my last topic.
Today I decided to talk about a new topic just as I've titled the post.

We are going to be looking at a topic called Typosquatting, I know this sound kinda strange but do not worry we would be exploring it in it length and breath with all simplicity, so just sit tight and enjoy every bit of this post. Let's enjoy the ride.


Typosquatting is another eye opener most especially for we in the crypto space. You know, like I j always say, there are so many malicious folks out there who are solely after your bag and nothing more. Their aim is just to gain access into your wallet and dash off.

They have deviced many means to get this done and they keep discovering new ways everyday, so it important that you keep yourself abreast of their gimmicks so you don't fall prey. Typosquatting is another scheme used by these malicious folks. So today we would be exploring this topic and why it's significant.

**What is Typosquatting**

Typosquatting is a malicious attack on unsuspecting victims who uses the internet or visit a particular URL often. These scammers leverage on the tendency for people to make typographical errors while trying to access these URLs.

What they do is that they trick you into visiting their malicious websites with URLs which have been created with some misspellings or wrong domain end but they are synonymous to the legitimate site which the user or visitor want to actually visit.

This is where the "Typo" in the topic stems out from. Typo has to do with letter, so these guys buy domain with misspelt URL of common and popular sites where people like to flock and then redirect unsuspecting victim who had actually input the misspelt URL in their browser to a malicious website where they can actual divulge sensitive information that can be used to steal from them... Such as card, pin, pa

For example, let's say the name of a legit website is and it's a very common website visited my many daily with a lot of transaction flowing through it, these guys might go and purchase a domain with a slight misspelling of the that site such as,, etc. It could even be a wrong domain ending by the innocent victim i.e .com, .uk. , co etc. They try to leverage on the tendency of people making these mistakes with while imputing URL on their browser.



Now if such unsuspecting victims get redirected to this site, he fall prey because most of these sites are already being clowned, making you believe it's actually the place you want to visit. The semblance would sweep you off your feet and then the deed would eventually be done because we were not sensitive enough.

I believe by now you must have seen the reason why we as crypto investors and holders of assets needs to be careful... because there are times we might want to get certain financial services online and would have to visit some site, if by any means we enter a clowned site and give out our keys and login details while trying to get their services, we would have to blame ourselves.

**Safety Tips to safeguard us**

Avoid clicking just any links from unknown websites and from unexpected mailed or text messages, they might have programmed everything subtly from their end to make you click your whole fortune away in minutes.

Go over and over your URLs before clicking them or imputing them in your browsers. Check for misspellings or wrong domain end, suffix and the like which could be a potential threat to you when not properly checked.



Another sure tip would be to bookmark site that you regularly visit so you don't get to input them again and again in your browsers. This could bring about the tendency to type in the wrong URL.

You can also decide to use safe search tool to access any site you want to reach on the Internet or use a very good voice recognition software for this purpose.

Lastly, instead of typing in a URL on your browser, you could decide to go through a search engine, the result should show you the one you really want to visit

**Bottom Line**

There are still some other ways to guide ourselves, well you can looks them up online. Am glad I was able to share some with you...So I trust by now you understand what Typosquatting is all about ans how to safeguard ourselves against it.

I want to believe you've gotten so much from this piece. As my usual custom is, I would always encourage that you DYOR to be sure of every financial step you would want to take as I won't be liable for any form of loss encountered by you.

Feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for your time once again. Gracias!


**Disclaimer: This post is made as an education and not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your own research and consult a financial advisor.**



