Move-to-Earn (M2E) in Crypto

lhorgic - 2024-07-27 18:12:03



Hi friends! how are you doing? Welcome to my blog, it's super good have you back here. I trust you got value from my last post. I bring to you another interesting content, one that I believe you would find interesting as usual. In my previous post, we explored the concept "Liquid Staking", you can check out my blog to read through if you haven't.

Today, we would be looking at **Move-to-Earn** in the crypto world... it's actually another topic of interest I feel y'all should be enlightened on as many of us ain't just familiar with it. Anyway we are going to delve deeper into itnin today post.


The crypto world keeps evolving and improving on a daily basis, the fascinating thing about this space is that project with nice and beautiful use cases keeps surfacing, project that seems to leverage on our everyday activities. One good example is what we would be talking about to day.

Move-to-Earn is one of the latest niche in the crypto world, gradually thriving and gaining popularity, its still going to be an household idea just like play-to-earn in few years to come. Do you remember P2E and how it swept this space in a very short period of time. Well if you ain't familiar with it, you should know Axie infinity (AXS) a token that has so risen in value, it's one of the P2E gaming project.

**What is Move-to-Earn**

Move-to-Earn is another innovative idea that rewards people for engaging in physical activities and movement i.e exercise such as running, jogging etc. The reward is with cryptocurrency because the idea leverages on the power of various technologies including Blockchain technology to accomplish this feat.



In other words we can say the M2E idea is a fuse of human fitness/physical activity and the blockchain technology. People can now be rewarded for what they do as hobby, especially for those who naturally like to workout. I mean its is a whole new definition for exercise for these kind of folks and random people like us who like to take do some simple exercise like taking a walk around our neighborhood.

Imagine earning from walking or jogging around your neighborhood...sounds too good to be true right? Well it is what it is my friend. This has come to stay and as I speak to you we have quite a number of project in this M2E category, thriving and doing just fine in the market. We would explore them shortly.

**How M2E Works**

The M2E model is designed in such a way that users can have access to their apps which of course has some existing technology integrated into them such as Global Positioning System popularly referred to as GPS, to track movement, NFTs, Blockchain tech and cryptocurrency for rewarding users.

I think it's important to mention at this point that some of these apps are totally free to use without any form of monetary investment while some other are not, as you have to purchase NFTs as some form of initial investment which later yields as time goes on.



So basically, users earn with the M2E models by regularly exercising themselves, trading with rewards earned ( NFTs), staking and getting returns and then finally users could earn by minting new token through some of these apps. Are these not amazing?
Did I just hear a big yes?! Lols...

**Popular M2E Project**

• **STEPN:** This is one of the foremost examples of the M2E model. It's a web3 based lifestyle app aimed at empowering users to be healthier and wealthier. It's a Solana based project that integates socialFI and GameFI

• **Sweatcoin:** This is another beautiful project which uses the M2E model. Just as the name implies, it reward users for physical activity that could cause them to sweat...lols. You're rewarded for every 1000 step you take and the reward can be converted into fiat of any kind.

• **MetaGym:** This is another beautiful project you might want to take a look at especially if your the kind that prioritize gym/Fitness. Like others, You get rewarded with MGCN for engaging in physical activities, training exercise or for getting quality sleep. In a nutshell you get rewarded here via GameFI, FitFI and SleepFI. Amazing right?

Kindly note that this is not all there is to this, there are still many project in this category, what I did was just to mention a few of them. You can always explore if this resonates with you.

**Bottom Line**

I believe by now we understand what M2E is and how it operates. What a good way of earning from moving your body. You might want to explore this niche and also profit from it.

As my usual custom is, I would always encourage that you DYOR to be sure of every financial step you would want to take as I won't be liable for any form of loss encountered by you.
Feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for your time once again. Gracias!


**Disclaimer: This post is made as an education and not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your own research and consult a financial advisor.**



