Defi Degens

lhorgic - 2024-07-19 23:33:00



Hi friends! how are you doing? Welcome to my blog, it's super good to be back in your faces too. I trust you got value from my last post. I bring to you another value packed content one that I believe you would find interesting as usual. In my last post, we explored the concept "Community Takeover", you can check out my blog to read through if you haven't.

Today, we would be looking at *Defi Degens** in the crypto world... it's actually another topic of interest that I feel many would love to understand I had to do a little homework on it and trust me guys, I was able to gather the things am about to share in this post


The Defi world is advancing very fast since it advent and trust me, a lot of folks out there are exploring different possibilities on it. The introduction of Defi has indeed brought a lot of ease in the financial realm as lending, borrowing and getting or manner of financial services have become very easy.

Bypassing the traditional banking system that has stood for long as intermediary has never been this seamless and sweet...Defi brought these possibilities. In further exploring these sector of the blockchain/crypto world, a set of radical investors hopped in and created a niche called **Defi Degenerates**.

What is this niche about and who are the folks in the niche? Stay with me as I enlighten you and help you thoroughly explore this topic. Are you ready guys? I think I just got many yesses...lols.

**What is Defi Degen?**

The word Degens was coined out from the word Degenerates, it was shortened that way to make it more easier to pronounce and to identify those who belong to this special niched I talked about in my introduction.

Defi Degens are investors who are known for their high taste for risk in the Defi space. They do not really consider what is at stake, I mean they are reckless investors who are all out for profit. They really want to explore that space by investing on meme token which are some *Unserious/Joke* projects without any clear direction.



They focus on these token which are highly volatile, I think the word volatile still doesn't qualify these token, because they are more than volatile, they could be referred to as pump and dump token. Tokens that are all bullish and high this minute and the next minute is it down. I mean unregulated token that has just a thin line separating it from a scam project.

What really caught my attention about these set of people called the Degens is that they know they are completely gambling with their investments. There is nothing like technical or fundamental analysis when it comes to **Degen Trading**, that is what it's called. It's either a win or lose. Infact the longer you hold on to those tokens, the riskier it is for you.

It's so crazy that some of these token do not last 24hrs, they collapse shortly after being launched and....guess who suffers? The naive unsuspecting investors who was lured by the pump, he FOMOed and then got burnt by the trade because these token were not even meant to thrives in the first place based on it high risky nature.

**Are all Degen project malicious?**

The answer to this question is actually **NO**, there are quite a number of project under this category that are completely good, maintaining their nature of some fun token without solid reason behind know just some token created for fun and jokes. Now the cogent question is, how do we then spot the once that would thrive.

There are whole lot of these meme token surfacing everyday, some moving, while some other are crashing within the next 24hours after a launch. And of course the smart Degen investor had already cashed out on the naive investors who Aped-in into the project. I hope you've not forgotten the Ape concept we talked about few days day can check my blog to understand it better.



One foul play done by these folks in this Defi niche is that they play an insider game where by they meet up to discuss their next line of action which include spotting a new project they want to have fun with, pumping it massively and then dumping it. They use platform such as telegram and discord for their forums and discussions. An average investor do not have access to this kind of info and for this reason he suffers the outcome.

**Bottom Line**

I believe by now we understand what Defi Degens is and how they operate in the decentralized finance world. You could turn a millionaire overnight trading Degen and you could go broke in minutes doing this kind of trading. I trust you've gotten so much from this piece.

As my usual custom is, I would always encourage that you DYOR to be sure of every financial step you would want to take as I won't be liable for any form of loss encountered by you.
Feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for your time once again. Gracias!


**Disclaimer: This post is made as an education and not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your own research and consult a financial advisor.**



