The invention of blockchain and cryptocurrency is certainly related to material science. Also the engineering that went into inventing these things is arguably one of the most technological breakthroughs and is similar to the advent of personal computing and the Internet. In recent times, it has been speculated that breakthrough quantum computing outside of Germany could revolutionize various sectors. These sectors include research finance, economics and particle physics with implications for cryptocurrencies. This revolution may even happen to companies in the crypto industry. So it may be time to add chief science officers and particle physicists to their portfolios. Like every other tech industry that exists, crypto has bootstrapped itself on its own merits of engineering and innovation.
Currently we can see all the popular sites or industries including Amazon, IBM, Google, Microsoft and Meta. All these sites or industries have quantum computing laboratories. A part of quantum physics. Some of the most important research in physics and quantum computing to date has come out of the big tech labs. Even two years ago, crystal-like realizations of quantum processors took place in Google's labs. Currently, major industries are enjoying quantum benefits, one of which is Microsoft or ABM.
Quantum is a modern branch of physics in which phenomena such as atoms and superatoms can be described by quantum mechanics. Even things that cannot be explained clearly by classical physics can be explained very well by quantum mechanics. We know that Einstein's theory of relativity is important in this regard. Recently, researchers in Germany have developed a quantum setup. which, according to their peer-reviewed research, are theoretically able to demonstrate clear quantum advantages in many-body problems. As part of such quantum facilities, their specific architecture will mitigate the defects inherent in them.
Quantum has many advantages. One of these advantages is that a quantum computer can do things that a classical, binary computer either cannot or cannot do very quickly. Quantum particles can play an important role in physics. In particular, everything from cold fusion to quantum teleportation could be on the table. Most importantly, it extends the predictive power of particle physics to a scale that extends beyond humanity. As we see in the video game "Pong" we see particle physics simulators. Attempting to track dozens, thousands or trillions of such particles simultaneously is only possible through this.
Similarly, such technology would be able to apply particle physics to finance by predicting future transactions for each transaction. Although this may seem unknown, it is not unrealistic. Because the application of physics solutions to economic problems is similar to science. As if we were to hypothetically say that a quantum computer would be orders of magnitude more capable of predicting market movements than any supercomputer compared to the advantages that binary computers exhibit in solving many-body problems. This physics technology is expected to be very effective especially in Bitcoin (BTC) transactions nowadays. It should be fundamentally easier for a sufficiently powerful quantum computer to treat the many-body model problem than fiat currency. Because the exact number of bitcoins will be known in the transactions.