Crypto voters are bipartisan in wanting to update the system!

kawsar8035 - 2024-07-15 02:06:54

Elections in the United States are generally held every four years and are held on the first Tuesday following a date in November. As such, the US election is very close which is going to be the presidential election in November this year. This year's US election added a slightly different dimension than other years. Because in the past years there have been ordinary candidates in the US elections, but this time, exceptional cryptocurrency candidates have brought a different dimension. Which is why it remains a highly controversial issue among the US electorate Because the country has a large number of crypto voters in addition to ordinary voters. However, these young or crypto-voters can have a huge impact on US elections and can swing the outcome either way.



Admittedly, these new crypto voters are very young and diverse. As a result, crypto candidates can get an additional advantage in the polls. A study about this was done by the popular exchange Coinbase. They did a survey a few days ago and they show that crypto voters, in particular, are "going to make a big difference" in key races. One in six crypto owners live in seven key battleground states. 65% of registered voters are Z and Millennials. One important thing here is that these young voters can have quite an impact on the US election. Of those registered voters, 40% live in swing states States that are likely to be won by either a Democrat or a Republican candidate.

But another important point here is that there is a certain percentage of registered voters who own crypto. Another peculiarity is that a certain percentage of their voters are non-white. And it is this diversity that creates a diverse group of crypto voters. The upcoming election is on November 5. And most of the new voters are young and diverse. This young and diverse electorate is likely to vote in elections, with nine out of 10 registered voters of crypto owners active in political contests, the same report revealed by popular exchange Coinbase.

Since these are new voters and they are involved with crypto, they were very enthusiastic about voting for these crypto candidates. Even those young voters who are four times more enthusiastic than those who vote for a crypto candidate. However, Coinbase's current survey reveals that this group of voters is currently bipartisan. That's because their survey found that they have slightly more than a third of Democrats, close to a third of Republicans and slightly less than a third of young voters who say they are motivated by the party they belong to.

But another important point here is that there are voters who want to elect a candidate who supports the industry with a more innovative and pro-crypto approach by winning election after election. The Bitcoin Voter Project was started here by a group of people who did it, namely mining executives. In the crypto space they have also established non-partisan organizations to influence US crypto voters. However many candidates can use it now. Because many experts think so and they think candidates are even starting to catch up with crypto voting, they can use crypto to influence election results and voting. For example, one of these candidates is former President and Republican Party candidate Donald Trump who is known to be crypto-friendly. But it is also true that he is somewhat exceptional so his motives are questioned.