Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 05/19/2024

cryptocoinkb - 2024-05-19 05:30:03

Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 05/19/2024

  • X Days represents average daily trade volume during period

  • 60/7 and 30/3 show percent growth for respective periods

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
PEOPLE 263 $0.04500 236% 283% 50%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
68,280,224 90,015,661 144,028,976 229,621,462 345,070,247 162,462,735

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
WNXM 475 $68.29393 51% 118% 9%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
31,096,516 34,068,654 34,040,855 46,980,108 74,510,585 88,387,554

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
CANTO 2525 $0.15273 319% 522% 8%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
2,084,303 2,705,302 4,685,138 8,741,934 16,851,654 33,937,143