Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 05/12/2024

cryptocoinkb - 2024-05-12 05:30:03

Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 05/12/2024

  • X Days represents average daily trade volume during period

  • 60/7 and 30/3 show percent growth for respective periods

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
UMA 199 $3.79099 267% 461% 41%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
27,602,463 34,794,748 55,249,803 101,538,583 195,378,052 140,418,155

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
AGLA 1025 $0.02626 542% 606% 150%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
1,406,507 2,540,469 4,685,079 9,032,844 17,948,738 39,986,103

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
CITY 796 $3.32306 65% 168% 6%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
6,893,171 7,730,538 7,192,028 11,392,374 20,744,350 32,232,641