The Rise of stable coins/10% beneficiary to Tron Fan club

chirich - 2024-03-04 04:07:12


Good day my fellow members of Tron Fan club,today I will be discussing on the rise of stable coin,but before any further proceeding let me highlight a little on what stable coins are ;

**Stable coins are any cryptocurrency that is designed to have a stable can also be referred to as any asset or basket of asset which is used to maintain a value against that asset**.
Unlike other cryptocurrency stable coin are designed to maintain a stable value which make the volatile.Examples of stable coin are ;
#Gemini dollar(GUSD)
#Pax dollar (USDP)

***Gemini dollar(GUSD)***
This is considered the first regulated stable coin,and it combines the the credit worthiness and price stability of the US dollar.gemini dollar was lunched at 9th semtember 2018,ever since then the coin has experience notable increase and has acquired is worth $1.00.

this is a stable coin cryptocurrency that was launched in 2014,it was the first stable coin to be invented and it is largest stable coin.this coin helps crypto trader to make transfer between different crypto currencies or to move their investment into or out fiat currency.the price of tether is pegged to US dollar .

USD coin is an Ethereum based stable coin,it is a type of digital asset whose value is pegged at 1.1 With the US is used to send funds across boarders .this coin can be stored without using a bank account and there is also no need to be concerned about the price volatility.

***Pax dollar***
This is a stable coin centralized by 1:1 US dollar,and it is a crypto currency development by Pexos trust company.

***True USD(USDT)***
It is a stable coin pegged by the us dollar and it is developed by trust tokens.

***The growth of stable coin***
The first stable coin launched in 2014(Tether USDT)ever since then the Market has seen a significant rise or some would say the market has of 2023 stable coin there have been a calculated figure of over 200 stable coins after the first one in 2014.stable coin has also seen a rapid increase in it's market capitalization,as of 2014 stable coin has a market capitalization of just few million dollars but as of 2017 it's market capitalization increased to over 2billion dollars and of 2023 stable coin is now having a total market capitalization of over 150billon dollar.
One important or notable reason why the coin come into place was to reduce risks that comes with cryptocurrencies and to make a digital currency that can be used and that is backed with real money,and this why stable coin has become very popular today .
Stable coin has become a very strong and powerful Force in crypto.their is a lot of value, benefits advantage that stable coin has brought,for example it has brought stability in the market,the volatile nature other cryptocurrencies can bring about unpredictability.
the interesting factor about stable coin is that it has a fixed value and doesn't have the uncertainty and the upredictable nature of other crypto currencies,one can invest in it and have calm mind.this is because stable coin reduces price volatility by backing it asset against conventional asset.stable coin are low volatility asset, because they are pegged to a fait currency,and the value of stable coin do not is growing bigger and bigger as the day goes by .

Thanks for reading