Introducing AI-Tech: A Blockchain-driven AI Revolution

blockchainrise - 2024-08-06 11:12:09

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a promising next-gen technology that is revolutionizing the way people interact with and use machines. AI refers to the integration of machines with human-like intelligence to enable machines to perform a range of tasks on their own, like research, content creation, and more. AI-Tech is a cutting-edge technology project that intends to revolutionize the future with AI-driven insights and security.

Project Name: AI-Tech

Technology: Blockchain, AI

Token Name: AI TecH

Token Type: Utility token (BEP-20)

Ticker: AIO

About AI-Tech

AI-Tech, or AI-Tech, is a blockchain platform that leverages AI technology to provide unparalleled insights and secure transactions over a highly efficient blockchain network.

AI-Tech combines advanced AI algorithms and programs with blockchain technology to offer the most efficient way to swiftly analyze volumes of data and generate actionable insights.

The AI TecH token is the native token of AI-Tech and acts as a fuel that powers the entire ecosystem, enabling seamless & secure transactions and offering rewards to participants.

Who are AI Guardians?

AI Guardians are selected participants within the AI-Tech ecosystem who actively contribute to the ecosystem. They have special access and abilities. For instance, AI Guardians can withdraw their rewards from the “Community Incentive and Reward pool” based on a predefined reward withdrawal and distribution algorithm. They must have a valid proof of LP Guardian Note to enjoy these benefits.

How to Become an AI Guardian?

To become an AI Guardian on the AI-Tech platform, one must be a member of the community and should actively participate in the project’s initiatives and activities. Contributing liquidity will help you acquire the proof of LP Guardian Note, which upgrades you to AI Guardian status.

What is a liquidity pool?

A liquidity pool is a special smart contract that holds a number of tokens in reserve, allowing traders to seamlessly trade specific assets without worrying about liquidity. Liquidity Providers are users who contribute tokens to the liquidity pool to help maintain liquidity. They are rewarded with LP tokens for their contribution.

Why use AI-Tech?

AI-Tech provides tools for users to generate actionable insights into a space based on a collection of data. The AI algorithms can read and process endless data quickly to offer instant insights to make life easier for humans.

The top features of the AI-Tech platform for users include:

AI-Powered Insights: Advanced AI algorithms of AI-Tech offer unparalleled insights into a space based on real data.

Secure & Encrypted: The platform enables top-notch security and privacy for users’ data.

Community Driven: AI-Tech is building a global community of forward-thinkers and innovators who engage, learn, and grow together.

Token Utility: As a utility token, AI TecH facilitates seamless global financial transactions such as merchant payments, peer-to-peer transfers, and more and offers rewards to the ecosystem participants.

Initial Liquidity Pool: A community-driven liquidity pool is there to ensure stable and seamless trading of digital assets.

Partnership Rewards: The project team and liquidity partners receive 2% of their holdings as a monthly reward, which helps promote long-term commitment.

Other benefits for AI-Tech Liquidity Partners include financial rewards, contribution to ethical AI, educational opportunities, governance participation, community engagement, and exclusive access.


TOTAL SUPPLY: 666,666 AIO Tokens

LIQUIDITY POOL: 1,00,000 Tokens

LP REWARDS: 4,00,000 Tokens

TEAM & ADVISORS: 1,00,000 Tokens

DEVELOPMENT: 6,66,66 Tokens

Join the exciting world of AI TecH and purchase high-potential AI-TecH tokens.