My cryptofolio

alexvan - 2024-02-12 21:12:42


Source:coingecko at 20:20 12th of February 2024


Here is my crypto portfolio, beside in here, I have some other projects I'm invested in, first being $BTC. Why $BTC? It is the crypto standard, the one that moves the market and also dominates the whole market cap. It is natural to hold it, and use it only when needed.

If $BTC is in the portfolio, $ETH is there also. I don't touch it either, as it is an expensive coin to handle. The fees are outrageous, and it is a more holding position.

In 2018, I've entered $ADA, and still hold the position with staking, as it compounds nicely, I will keep it there for the long run, and when the time comes, will liquidate a part of it.

Else, I got some exposure in $EGLD, $MATIC, $SOL and $AVAX. All these project have a fair number of users and are very interesting in their own way. Some can do 10x easily, well, of course, will sell and buy in at another dip.

Next build would be $RUNE, as I'm not covered there, but slowly, we are getting to build up a long term position also into that project.

As you expect, this is only my view, it is not an investment advice, as I'm not a financial analyst and will never pretend to be one. In case of investments, please do your own research, and invest only what you can afford to lose.

What crypto do you have in your portfolio?