UwU Lend faces second hack during $20M reimbursement process

News Feed - 2024-06-13 05:06:01

Prashant Jha9 minutes agoUwU Lend faces second hack during $20M reimbursement processUwU exploiter strikes again and steals $3.5 million from the lend protocol as they begin the reimbursement process.52 Total viewsListen to article 0:00NewsOwn this piece of crypto historyCollect this article as NFTJoin us on social networksThe UwU Lend protocol, which was hacked for nearly $20 million on June 10, is under attack again in an ongoing cryptocurrency exploit.

Onchain data analytic platform Cyvers alerted the protocol about the exploit, claiming the attackers were the same as the ones that carried out the previous $20 million exploit.

The ongoing exploit has already seen $3.5 million stolen from different asset pools, namely, uDAI, uWETH, uLUSD, uFRAX, uCRVUSD, and uUSDT. All stolen assets have been converted to ETH and are located at the attacker"s address: 0x841dDf093f5188989fA1524e7B893de64B421f47.

This is a developing story, and further information will be added as it becomes available.# Blockchain# Cryptocurrencies# Hackers# Hacks# DeFi# RegulationAdd reaction